Top 3 Fears of Software Engineers: Will AI & no-code take my job?!

Hey there, recently, a follower DM’d me on Twitter with a question that I’ve heard quite a bit. He was worried about the future of web development, so I thought, why not address these concerns head-on in a blog post? So, here we are. Let’s get into it.

Fear 1: The Market is Saturated

First off, saturation. Now, I’ve been coding since high school, almost eight or nine years now. And let me tell you, good developers are rare. Sure, there’s a ton of junior developers fresh out of boot camps or colleges. But the truly good ones? Those that can take an idea to production, work well with others, and have a high-level understanding of their craft? They’re few and far between.

So, is the market saturated with junior developers? Maybe. But there’s a huge demand for senior developers who can really get the job done. And that’s not going away anytime soon. Software is such a big deal in the corporate world. If you can become a valuable, results-driven team player, you’ll always be in demand. So, don’t worry about the crowd. Just focus on becoming the best.

Fear 2: It Takes a Long Time to Learn to Code

Now, onto the next point. The time it takes to learn coding. Yes, it’s true. It does take time. But guess what? That’s the same with any skill worth learning. Let’s break it down.

Imagine the Y-axis is your skill level and the X-axis is the time you spend. You can get to about 80% mastery in around 20 hours. But the next 10%? That could take 100 hours. And the last 10%? That could take thousands of hours. You see, the more you learn, the more effort it takes to master that next level.

But here’s the thing. Those thousand-hour developers? They’re the ones who get the big bucks. Companies won’t pay a premium for 80% skills. If you want to earn big or create your own product, you need to reach that high level of mastery. And yes, it’ll take time. But with AI and chatbots making learning easier, it’s doable. So, embrace the journey. It’s worth it.

Fear 3: AI and No Code Will Replace Web Devs

Finally, let’s address the fear that AI and no code will make web devs obsolete. Now, I’ve worked in large companies. Trust me, real production code is complex. You can’t run global services like AWS on no code. It just can’t handle the level of complexity and edge cases.

No code is great for basic CRUD apps. But if you’re aiming to create the next AWS, no code isn’t your answer. And as for AI replacing devs? I see it more as a tool that will make devs more productive rather than replace them. And even if AI ends up doing our jobs, coding teaches you problem-solving skills. And those skills can be applied to many other fields.

The solution? Future Proof Your Skillset

So, what should you learn that will be in demand in the future? In my opinion, the most valuable skills are building and selling. Learn to code, create products, or provide a service. Or learn sales, copywriting, or advertising. If you can build and sell, you’re set for the future.

In conclusion, don’t worry about job saturation, the learning curve, or AI taking over. Just focus on building valuable skills. And remember, anything worth doing takes time, effort, and patience. So, keep at it. You’ve got this.